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Complimentary White Paper

Top-Performing companies are winning 62% of their sales opportunities. The Rest? Only 40%.

While quite a bit of research has been published on what separates top sellers from the rest, there’s relatively little on what organizations are doing to achieve high win rates.

To find out, we studied 472 sales executives and sellers representing companies with sales forces ranging from 10 sellers to 5,000+, and published the results in The Top-Performing Sales Organization Benchmark Report. We analyzed what organization factors correlated to higher win rates—and the results are significant.

In this white paper, RAIN Group Presidents Mike Schultz and John Doerr share highlights that are critical for enabling sales leaders and sellers alike to increase win rates, beat annual sales goals, and reach Top Performer status. You'll learn:

  • What your organization needs to do to drive revenue growth and sales goal attainment
  • Surprising findings around sales training and seller motivation
  • How Value-Driving Sales Organizations excel in revenue growth, value pricing, win rates, sales force retention, and more
  • 3 sales skill areas all organizations need to pay attention to
  • How Top Performers differ from The Rest in sales process maturity, sales training focus and investment, sales skills, sales results, and more
  • 5 ideas for strengthening your sales process—for both leaders and individual sellers

Increasing win rate—even just by a few percentage points—has a dramatic effect on a company's revenue and profitability. The data and commentary in this report will give you the keys to unlock sales force effectiveness, make the right choices, and watch your win rate soar.

Fill out the form to the right to download Increase Win Rates and Beat Your Sales Goals.

Increase Win Rates & Beat Your Sales Goals