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On-Demand Webinar

More and more senior executives are weighing in on purchasing decisions. If you want to win more sales, you need to be prepared to sell to these executive-level buyers.

While the fundamentals are the same, selling to the C-suite means you’re under greater scrutiny, you often have to do more in less time, and you need to elevate your game across the board, from how you approach meetings to the way you present the value case.

In this webinar, Chris Webb, Senior Consultant at RAIN Group, will share a framework for selling to senior executives and the mindset required to lead confident meetings with them.

You’ll learn:

  • The dynamics of leading meetings with senior executives
  • How to overcome a senior executive's hurdle rate
  • 9 principles of selling to senior executives
  • How to create a value case that stands up to scrutiny
  • Where to focus to command the attention of senior executives

This webinar is integral for understanding how to connect, engage, and stand out with senior executives.

Fill out the form to watch the on-demand webinar.

Unlocking Executive Sales