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Top 10 Sales Resources of 2022

Top 10 Sales Resources of 2022

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Written by Erica Schultz
Chief Marketing Officer, RAIN Group

It seems like the world of sales is moving at a breakneck pace. Between new digital tools, hybridized sales teams, and economic shifts, it can feel overwhelming to keep up with everything. And it can be tempting to try to be everywhere and do everything at once just to stay competitive.

But choosing smart priorities is always better than reflexively latching on to the latest trends. 2022 saw many sellers and organizations focusing on the fundamentals: personalized prospect outreach, value-based selling, and better sales coaching. Whatever 2023 brings, sellers and sales managers can always find room for improvement.

To help, we’ve put together a collection of our top resources from 2022. Whether you’re a seller, in sales enablement, a sales manager, BDR, account manager, or a part of sales leadership, these free resources will help you start 2023 a step ahead of the competition.

Sales Prospecting Made Simple Toolkit

Sales Prospecting Made Simple Toolkit

1. [Toolkit] Sales Prospecting Made Simple

Many sellers don’t dedicate enough time to prospecting efforts. Keep your pipeline full and build a sustainable, repeatable process for prospecting with this toolkit. You’ll get outreach approaches to generate conversations, tips to increase response rates, and much more.

Download now. >>

2. [Article] Understanding and Building Sales Impact Models

Communicate the impact of what you’re selling and become a top priority for your buyers. Calculate the benefits of your solutions and develop a compelling impact case by going beyond simple ROI.

Read now. >>

The Top-Performing Sales Manager Research

The Top-Performing Sales Manager Research

3. [Benchmark Report] The Top-Performing Sales Manager

Strong sales management and coaching have an outsized impact on sales teams. Learn how you can prioritize sales coaching and transform new and veteran sellers into Top Performers in this research report.

Download now. >>

4. [Collection] 36 Sales Tools to Make Selling Simple

Be prepared for every aspect of selling with our collection of free sales tools. These frameworks, checklists, templates, and more are gleaned from years of experience to help you improve your skillset, standardize processes, and make the best use of your time.

Browse now. >>

How to Build a Sales Coaching Plan Guide

How to Build a Sales Coaching Plan Guide

5. [Guide + Resources] How to Build a Sales Coaching Plan

Sales managers rate themselves highly on their ability to provide coaching to their sellers—but sellers don’t always agree. Learn how to build and evaluate a coaching plan that’s relevant and impactful for your sellers.

Learn more. >>

6. [Article] The 6 Essential B2B Sales Funnel Stages

Align with your buyers throughout every stage of the sales process. Take an in-depth look at each sales funnel stage and its corresponding stage in the buying process to optimize your process and match communication with your buyers’ needs.

Read now. >>

10 Key Roles of the Best Sales Managers Infographic

10 Key Roles of the Best Sales Managers Infographic

7. [Infographic] 10 Key Roles of the Best Sales Managers

Where should sales managers focus to best support their sellers? The best sales managers prioritize coaching alongside their regular management activities. Learn the 3 pillars of strong sales management and the 10 roles managers must play to get the most out of their teams.

View now. >>

The Top-Performing Seller Research

The Top-Performing Seller Research

8. [Benchmark Report] The Top-Performing Seller

What do the best sellers do differently and better than others? Learn the factors that set Top-Performing Sellers apart from The Rest and what organizations can do to inspire the best performance from their selling teams in our new research.

Download now. >>

9. [Article] 30 Sales Training Ideas for Top-Performing Teams

Recurring training programs can refresh your sales team and improve their performance—but training needs to be engaging to get results. Mix and match these 30 sales training ideas to keep skill development fresh and applicable for your sellers.

Read now. >>

26 Sales Training Topics to Boost Sales Team Performance Cover

26 Sales Training Topics to Boost Sales Team Performance Cover

10. [Ebook] 26 Sales Training Topics to Boost Team Performance

Our research has identified major skill deficits in areas that influence buyer purchasing decisions. Stay on top of the most critical sales skills by focusing on these sales training topics in 2023.

Download now. >>

We hope these resources can help inspire you to enact positive change in the new year! Here’s to a happy and successful 2023.

Last Updated October 18, 2023

Topics: Sales Performance Improvement
