// Sales Training

RAIN Selling: Foundations of Consultative Selling

Lead masterful sales conversations with consultative selling skills.

Sales are won and lost based on the conversations your sellers have with buyers. Too often, sellers make mistakes—common mistakes that end up losing them the sale.

Our RAIN Selling: Foundations of Consultative Selling training program will teach your team a proven process for leading masterful sales conversations from “hello” to “let’s go.”

This program introduces the strategies and tactics that are the foundation of successful selling, and the key selling skills your team needs to become top performers.

Top-Performing Sellers are more likely to...

Lead a thorough needs discovery
Change buyer thinking about needs
Communicate strong, defensible ROI cases

Source: RAIN Group Center for Sales Research, The Top-Performing Seller

RAIN Selling: Foundations of Consultative Selling gives your team the skills they need to uncover the full set of buyer needs, craft compelling solutions, and make a strong impact case to win. 

Watch the video to learn how consultative selling can transform your team.

Master Core Consultative Selling Skills

Learn how your team can:

  • Lead masterful sales conversations
  • Make the ROI and impact case
  • Drive value for buyers
  • Uncover buyer needs

Consultative Selling Training Modules

With our selection of portable learning modules, we work with you to quickly design custom curricula with the sales skill content your team needs to master consultative selling.

module_icon Introduction to Consultative Selling
  • Understand what Top Performers do to win the most sales
  • Learn the keys for leading masterful sales conversations
  • Challenge thinking about interacting and communicating with buyers
module_icon Leading a Thorough and Impressive Needs Discovery
  • Know what questions to ask—and how to ask them—to discover needs
  • Learn the top tips for conducting highly effective needs discoveries
  • Powerfully position, communicate, and confirm needs with buyers
module_icon Building Rapport
  • Learn and apply the 4 Principles of Rapport
  • Practice building rapport in meetings and beyond
  • Learn practical tips for becoming likable and connecting with people
module_icon Making the Impact and ROI Case Powerfully
  • Identify which of the 3 types of impact is most critical for a buyer
  • Learn how to make a compelling financial impact case
  • Communicate the impact powerfully through stories and visuals
module_icon Crafting a Value Proposition Positioning Statement
  • Understand the key points of delivering a powerful positioning statement
  • Practice delivery for different buyer types and industries
  • Learn what not to do when positioning your value
module_icon Overcoming Objections
  • Learn how to overcome the 4 types of objections
  • Practice a 4-step process for addressing any objection
  • Anticipate specific objections in any sale and plan how to respond to them
module_icon Mini-Stories That Sell
  • Connect with buyers through the power of mini-stories
  • Intrigue buyers to ask more based on the stories you tell
  • Learn how to make points that demonstrate the difference you make
module_icon Inspiring Action: New Reality and the Buyer Change Blueprint
  • Master the framework for driving buyer action, decisions, and change
  • Work with buyers to build a compelling value case
  • Learn to persuasively communicate your advantages and differentiators
module_icon The 6 Buyer Personas: Communicating with Different Personalities
  • Learn how to quickly identify the 6 different buyer personas
  • Understand communication, relationship, and decision-making preferences
  • Learn to adjust and communicate with buyers the way they prefer 
module_icon Keys to Qualifying the Sale
  • Learn the keys to qualifying a sale
  • Define your pursuit intensity for various opportunities
  • Know when and how to ask buyers about budget, and when not to ask at all
module_icon 11 Keys to Influence and Persuasion in Sales
  • Learn the 11 Principles of Influence in Sales
  • Learn to resonate powerfully, differentiate from the competition, build trust, and drive action
  • Plan to be more influential with buyers
module_icon The Power of Trust in Selling: Strategies to Build Trust
  • Learn the 4 elements of trust
  • Understand the process of developing trust
  • Develop strategies for building trust with key buyers and influencers during the sale and beyond
module_icon Mastering the Art of Sales Collaboration
  • Learn the keys to engaging buyers deeply across the sales process by setting up and leading collaborations
  • Understand how collaboration creates psychological ownership and engagement from buyers
  • Practice collaborating in ways that drive ideas, deepen relationships, and create alignment
module_icon Presenting to Win: Delivering Compelling Proposal Presentations
  • Plan to deliver a proposal presentation that wows buyers
  • Learn the fundamental components of a powerful, persuasive proposal presentation
  • Structure your presentation so it balances the right delivery and interactions
module_icon Value Through the Eyes of the Buyer
  • Deeply understand what value is and how it affects buyer decision making
  • Articulate the value of what you offer through the eyes of the buyer
  • Apply the Resonate | Differentiate | Substantiate value proposition framework throughout the sales cycle
module_icon Analyzing Stakeholders and Decision Making
  • Understand the 5 decision roles and how they affect buyer decisions
  • Complete a thorough stakeholder analysis for your sales opportunity
  • Map out relationship strength with key stakeholders, and build plans to improve them
module_icon Competitor Analysis and Planning: Taking the Pole Position
  • Identify competitors and position yourself favorably against them
  • Craft strategies that will help you help you neutralize competitor advantages and protect your business from competitor threats
  • Plan to unseat incumbents entrenched in your sales opportunities

We offer a full curriculum of modules across the sales cycle from prospecting to advanced consultative selling, virtual selling, winning major sales, account management, and sales management. Learn more about our suite of sales training programs. east

From Rapport to Commitment: The RAIN Selling Model

RAIN Selling Model

From the early stages of connecting with buyers to needs discovery, making the impact case, and gaining commitment, the best consultative sellers stand out with the value they provide.

Popularized in our bestselling book, Rainmaking Conversations, and used by hundreds of thousands of sellers worldwide, the RAIN Selling model provides a framework for leading masterful sales conversations that build trust and influence buyers.

Training Modalities

Onsite Instructor-Led Training

Onsite Instructor-Led Training

Virtual Sales Training

Virtual Instructor-Led Training


Hybrid Training



Experience Success Like Our Clients

Sales training boosts Bright Horizons' enrollment; conversion rates increase 30%.

When Bright Horizons was relying on a staff of educators and child care providers to increase enrollments, it brought in RAIN Group to turn this unconventional group into sellers.

RAIN Group conducted an analysis of the business development needs of Bright Horizons’ team and delivered training for various experience levels. In addition, group coaching gave opportunities for role play, real life examples, and more.

By arming enrollment counselors with sales skills, they were able to boost enrollment rates by 30%.

Click here to read the full case study. east

Select Clients

Bright Horizons

Transform Your Team with Consultative Sales Training

Learn how RAIN Group’s transformational approach to training and behavior change can help develop the consultative selling skills of your team.