Selling to Senior Executives

Navigate and excel in complex sales situations with senior buyers.

Stand out and win with senior executives.

Selling to Senior Executives is a self-paced online sales training course designed to help you master high-level sales.

You'll learn to create compelling offers that resonate, exceed executives' hurdle rates, and lead meetings that impress. 

If you have a handle on foundational sales skills, this course will help you elevate your approach to inspire confidence, build trust, and succeed with the C-suite.

Click to watch a preview of one of the lessons.


30-day, 100% money-back guarantee

The program includes:

  • 45+ Lessons
  • Assignments and tools
  • Downloadable resources
  • Certification

This program has been developed for individuals and small teams. Learn more about our full suite of corporate sales training programs.


30-day, 100% money-back guarantee

The program includes:

  • 45+ lessons
  • Assignments and tools
  • Downloadable resources
  • Certification

This program has been developed for individuals and small teams. Learn more about our full suite of corporate sales training programs.

What Will I Learn?

When you become a member of Selling to Senior Executives, you unlock a complete toolkit of resources to elevate your executive-level sales. In the course, you’ll learn:

  • The 9 Principles of Selling to Senior Executives
  • The priorities and buying styles of executives
  • How to gain access to senior executives
  • How to earn the trust of executives and inspire action
  • Where to focus in your meetings with senior executives
  • How to make an executive-level case for change
Want to dig deeper into the content before taking the leap? Get the full details on each module below.
module_icon Module 1: Principles of Selling to Senior Executives

Elevate your approach with 9 interconnected principles to help you adopt the right mindset for selling to senior-level buyers. The module includes these lessons:

  • Selling to Senior Executives Is Different
  • 9 Principles of Selling to Senior Executives
  • Getting in the Right Mindset to Sell to Senior Executives
  • Sales Conversation Planner Walkthrough
  • Resonating, Differentiating, and Substantiating with Senior Executives
  • Assignment: Principles of Selling to Senior Executives Application Assignment
module_icon Module 2: What Senior Executives Care About

Learn how to identify the top concerns of executive-level buyers and meet their hurdle rate. The module includes these lessons:

  • Top 6 Concerns of Senior Executives
  • The Hurdle Rate and Why It Matters
  • How to Find Out What Your Senior Executive Buyers Care About
  • Assignment: What Senior Executives Care About
module_icon Module 3: Gaining Access to Senior Executives

Learn the best ways to create a compelling offer that resonates, get past gatekeepers, and secure meetings with senior executives. The module includes these lessons:

  • Projecting Gravitas to Attract Senior Executives
  • Outreach Approaches That Work for Senior Executives
  • Creating a Value-Based Offer That Will Resonate with Senior Executives
  • How to Gain Access to Decision Makers Through Gatekeepers
  • The Power of Referrals When Connecting with Senior Executives
  • 15 Proven Ways to Generate Referrals
  • 5 Ideas to Keep in Mind When Asking for Referrals
  • Becoming a Person of Interest: An Example
  • Assignment: Gaining Access to Senior Executives
module_icon Module 4: Interaction Insight for Senior Executives

Learn how to challenge senior-executive buyer points of view, drive buyer insights, and increase value for these buyers through conversation. The module includes these lessons:

  • Changing the Buyer Conversation with Interaction Insight
  • Pushing Back on Buyer Thinking the Right Way
  • How Buyers Will React When You Challenge Their Thinking
  • 9 Questions (+1 Bonus) for Interaction Insight
  • Challenging Buyer Thinking Across the Sales Cycle
  • 10 Tactical Tips for Applying Interaction Insight
  • Assignment: Interaction Insight for Senior Executives: Driving Buyer Insights and Points of View
module_icon Module 5: Inspiring Buyer Action and Change: New Reality and the Buyer Change Blueprint

Learn how to create an exceptionally strong case for change with a senior executive buyer and inspire them to take action. The module includes these lessons:

  • Driving Transformation Using Five Cases
  • The Key to Driving Change in Sales: The New Reality
  • Building a Buyer Change Blueprint: The Case for Change on a Page
  • Planning to Build a Buyer Change Blueprint
  • Presenting a Buyer Change Blueprint
  • 10 Tactical Tips to Paint the New Reality Picture
  • Assignment: Inspiring Buyer Action and Change
module_icon Module 6: Developing Executive-Level Presence

Learn the skills and traits needed to demonstrate gravitas and impress skeptical senior executives. The module includes these lessons:

  • Why Executive-Level Presence Matters
  • Tips for Building Strong Executive Presence
  • How to Build Trust with Skeptical Senior Executives
  • Maximizing Gravitas and Building Relationships
  • 4 Keys to Building Trust in Sales
  • Why the Engagement Threshold Matters
  • Mastering the Medium for Virtual Sales Calls
  • Tactical Tips for Building Rapport
  • Assignment: Developing Executive-Level Presence
module_icon Module 7: Preparing for Sales Meetings with Senior Executives

Learn how to strategize and become exceptionally prepared for your meetings with senior executives. The module includes these lessons:

  • Preparing for Two Different Types of Initial Meetings
  • Preparing for a Sales Meeting with a Senior Executive
  • Gaining Insight and Impressing Executives Before Meeting with Them
  • Meeting a Senior Executive: Applying STRATEGIC
  • Sales Conversation Planner Walkthrough
  • How to Prepare for Objections from a Senior Executive
  • Creating a Shared Understanding of Needs
  • Use a Buyer Change Blueprint to Communicate Transformation
  • Assignment: Preparing for Sales Meetings with Senior Executives
module_icon Module 8: Leading an Executive-Level Sales Meeting

Learn how to lead thoughtful and effective sales conversations specifically prepared for the higher level of inspection that comes from senior executives. The module includes these lessons:

  • How to Solve Executive-Level Sales Meeting Common Problems: Part One
  • How to Solve Executive-Level Sales Meeting Common Problems: Part Two
  • Scrutiny: Under the Senior Executive Microscope
  • Pushing Back on Buyer Thinking the Right Way
  • Assignment: Leading an Executive-Level Sales Meeting

What Participants Are Saying

What Does Membership Include?

Extensive Library

Robust Curriculum

Get access to 45+ lessons over 8 distinct modules with text and video options.

Assignments and Resources

Assignments & Resources

Exercises, tools, ebooks, and more to help you apply new knowledge on the job.

Knowledge Check Quizzes

Knowledge Checks

Test your retention of the key points in each module.

Flexible Learning

Flexible Learning

Learn your way on desktop, tablet, or mobile.

Includes Certification


Earn a certificate of completion to celebrate your professional growth.



Course content is based on over a decade of proprietary sales research and analysis.


Who should take this course?

This course is designed for sellers and sales professionals who already have a grounding in sales fundamentals and wish to elevate their conversations with senior executives.

How long does it take to complete the course? Are all lessons available at once?

All program content is available and accessible on-demand as soon as you sign up.

There are 8 modules, each with associated lessons. When completed at our recommended pace of 1 module per week, you’ll finish the program in two months.

However, if after completing the modules you'd like continued access to the program content and tools, you're welcome to stay subscribed as long as you’d like.

Is the content downloadable?

Modules are available to view in text and video for your convenience and learning preference. You may view them directly in your browser on any device.

Many of the lessons include downloadable resources, tools, reports, and more. Those are yours to download and keep to reference whenever you like.

What's the cost?

Typical sales training programs cost thousands of dollars, require travel, and often teach you strategies that simply don’t work in the world of selling today.

Tuition for Selling to Senior Executives is $199/month. You’ll be making an important investment in your career to achieve breakthroughs in your sales success. You’ll make this investment back many times over in just your first sale.

Please note that the program is a monthly recurring subscription. Once enrolled, your credit card will be billed automatically every 30 days until you notify us to cancel.

How does the 30-day, money-back guarantee work?
We think you’re going to find the program content compelling and the tools invaluable. If you don’t agree, notify us within your first 30 days of membership and we'll be happy to refund your payment, no questions asked.
I want my team to take this course. Do you have group rates?
We offer discounted rates for groups of 5 or more. If you have a team that would benefit from Selling to Senior Executives or are interested in bringing the program on-site, contact us for more information at support@raingroup.com or call 508-405-0438.
How do I know if this program is for me?

Get insights into where you can improve your sales skills with our complimentary self-assessment. You’ll see how you stack up to top performers across:

  • Ability to drive value
  • Prospecting
  • Driving and discovering needs
  • Solution crafting
  • Presenting
  • Winning
  • Advanced consultative selling skills
  • Influencing buyer thinking around needs and solutions

Once you’ve pinpointed your biggest gaps, return here to select the program that fits your needs.

Assess your sales skills now east